We also developed advanced PAFC schematic with a high pulse-repetition rate diode laser at 904 nm and demonstrated an ultrasensitive, label-free, PA enumeration of melanoma CTCs in the mouse blood microvessels with diameter of 50C300 m (16)
We also developed advanced PAFC schematic with a high pulse-repetition rate diode laser at 904 nm and demonstrated an ultrasensitive, label-free, PA enumeration of melanoma CTCs in the mouse blood microvessels with diameter of 50C300 m (16). recurrence, residual disease, and real-time monitoring of therapy efficiency by counting CTCs before, during and after therapeutic intervention. Herewith, we also address sensitivity of label-free PAFC melanoma CTCs detection and introduce CTCs targeting by magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with specific antibody and magnetic cells enrichment. Keywords: flow cytometry, photoacoustics, melanoma, metastasis, circulating tumor cells, high pulse repetition rate laser, magnetic nanoparticles, cell enrichment Cutaneous melanoma is the third most common type of skin XL147 analogue cancer after basal and squamous cell carcinoma it accounts for only 3% of all cases, but it leads to 65% of all deaths from skin XL147 analogue cancer (1C7). The most alarming aspect of cutaneous melanoma is usually its potential to metastasize at a very early stage of disease. As a result, most of the melanoma deaths arise from metastases (1,2). Appearance of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) has been suggested as an early marker of metastatic development, cancer recurrence, and therapeutic efficacy (2,8C10). The comprehensive review of 209 articles involving 53 studies that collected data on 5,433 patients have been well supported by this data (6). Among advanced technologies for detection of CTCs ex vivo (e.g., scanning cytometry, immunomagnetic enrichment, size filtration, unfavorable cell sorting, and microfluidic chips (8C10) mostly reverse transcriptionCpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) combined with XL147 analogue cell-enrichment techniques was broadly used for melanoma CTCs (1C7). Some difficulties in reproducing the results of the RT-PCR assay were associated with differences in sample processing and generation of false-positive signals due to contamination, amplification of pseudogenes, and illegitimate transcription (6). False-negative signals, in contrast, were related to the poor quality of source materials, and the genomic instability of malignant cells. Further, RT-PCR is an indirect method and cannot provide a direct evidence of the presence of intact CTCs in the blood. In general, the ultimate sensitivity threshold of most ex vivo CTCs assays is limited by the small blood sample volume, typically a few milliliters, in which no less than one CTC can be detected. As a result, in the entire volume of blood (~5L in adult) existing assessments with current threshold sensitivity of 1C10 cells/ml can miss Mouse monoclonal antibody to ACE. This gene encodes an enzyme involved in catalyzing the conversion of angiotensin I into aphysiologically active peptide angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a potent vasopressor andaldosterone-stimulating peptide that controls blood pressure and fluid-electrolyte balance. Thisenzyme plays a key role in the renin-angiotensin system. Many studies have associated thepresence or absence of a 287 bp Alu repeat element in this gene with the levels of circulatingenzyme or cardiovascular pathophysiologies. Two most abundant alternatively spliced variantsof this gene encode two isozymes-the somatic form and the testicular form that are equallyactive. Multiple additional alternatively spliced variants have been identified but their full lengthnature has not been determined.200471 ACE(N-terminus) Mouse mAbTel+ up to 5,000C50,000 cells, which is sufficient for the rapid development of a barely treatable or already incurable metastasis (9C10). Invasive extraction of blood at discrete time points from an organism may lead to changes in CTC properties (e.g., morphology or marker expression) and prevents the long-term study of CTCs and metastasis development in the native biological environment. Little or no ability exists to collect blood samples of sufficient volume from clinically relevant anatomical sites such as the primary tumor area, lymph nodes, or bones. Most of these problems can be solved by assessing large blood volume using the principles of flow cytometry with photothermal (PT), photoacoustic (PA) or fluorescent detection schematics proposed in 2004 by us and other groups (11C20). This approach provides the possibility of monitoring significantly larger blood volumes, and potentially the entire blood volume in 1C2 hours (the time it will take for XL147 analogue 5 L of blood at 100 mL/min flow rate to pass through 2C3 mm peripheral blood vessels (15C17)). Unfortunately, translation to humans of fluorescence based CTCs labeling and detection techniques faces multiple challenges such as fluorescent probes toxicity, wide emission spectra of fluorophores in near-infrared (NIR) tissue transparency window, high intensity of continuous wave lasers used (~100 W/cm2 compared to safe level of 0.2C0.5 W/cm2 (21)), and assessment of only superficial (0.1C0.3 mm) microvessels having slow flow. For example, in a mouse model in 50-m blood vessel having flow velocity of 5 mm/s, two days are required to constantly assess whole 2-mL blood volume. PT and, especially, PA methods are free of these limitations (13,16C18). These methods are based on nonradiative relaxation of absorbed laser energy into heat and accompanying acoustic effects (Fig. 1A). XL147 analogue For nonfluorescent samples (e.g., melanin is usually weakly fluorescent), these methods offer the highest absorption sensitivity at the single-cell level absorption coefficient of 10C2 C10C3 cmC1). This level of absorption sensitivity makes it possible to noninvasively (i.e., a short-term temperature elevation of 0.5 C (22C23)) detect individual nanoparticles, quantum dots, dyes and biomolecules at a threshold comparable with that of fluorescence methods (23C25). Several successful clinical trials on humans exhibited a clinical significance and safety of PA technique including: 1) continuous monitoring of blood oxygenation in the internal jugular vein (10C20 mm in diameter, 5C10 mm deep in the presence of strong light scattering and.