Vodovotz Y, Chow CC, Bartels J, et al
Vodovotz Y, Chow CC, Bartels J, et al. that we are on the cusp of fulfilling the promise of modeling for personalized medicine for inflammatory disease. focus on rapid translational application in areas such as clinical trials, patient diagnostics, rational drug design and long-term rehabilitative care [4,6,46C48]. Below, we describe a cornerstone of translational systems biology, namely the use of mechanistic modeling to gain insights into the pathophysiology of individuals (i.e., patients) and populations (i.e., patient cohorts) in the context of inflammation, in a manner that incorporates insights from studies at the cellular and molecular level and that ultimately allows for rational modulation of inflammation at the individual level. A large body of work in translational systems biology has made use of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and related analysis methods. For instance, stability and bifurcation analyses of mechanistic ODE-based models have been used widely to understand, explain and illustrate the dynamic behaviors of biological systems [49]. Also, detailed models of cellular transmission transduction cascades may help identify the side effects of a drug and provide system-level Desvenlafaxine succinate hydrate insights into mechanism-based drug discovery [50]. Numerous systems biology methods have been applied in the study of swelling and immunity [51,52]. For example, a set of ODE representing the time development of different inflammatory mediators or cells has been used to model the biochemistry reaction network of immune-receptor signaling [53], as well as basal and preconditioned inflammatory reactions to Gram-negative bacterial lipo-polysaccharide (LPS) [54]. Larger ODE-based models were used to yield insights into the acute inflammatory response in varied shock claims [55C60], as well as the reactions to anthrax illness in the presence or absence of vaccination [61]. A related multicompartment ODE model was used to describe features of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), an inflammatory disease that affects many premature newborns; this model was also used to elucidate novel aspects of probiotic therapy for NEC [62]. Importantly, the same ODE model that was capable of describing acute swelling in mice subjected to clinically relevant experimental paradigms of shock was also used to gain insight into the inflammatory effects for swelling of the deletion of a single important gene (medical tests [70C72,103]. Additional agent-based models simulated multiscale and multiorgan relationships in swelling [73]. This modeling method has also been used to simulate the swelling and healing in the establishing of diabetic foot ulcers, encompassing both existing and hypothetical therapies [74]. A similar agent-based modeling approach Desvenlafaxine succinate hydrate was used to elucidate features of medical injury to the vocal folds in experimental animals [75], as well as to both reproduce and forecast the inflammatory reactions of individual human being subjects going through vocal collapse phonotrauma [76]. This last study is the 1st in which a common computational model was calibrated for data in individuals and was not used only to forecast the responses of these individuals at time points beyond the time course of available data, but also to forecast reactions to varied treatment regimens [76]. Translational systems biology work has been used like a cornerstone of the work of the Society of Difficulty in Acute Illness (PA, USA) [104] and the Center for Swelling and Regenerative Modeling (PA, USA) [105], as a means of traversing the current fragmented continuum of healthcare delivery, in which the domains of preclinical studies, clinical tests, in-hospital care and eventual long-term care are independent [48]. In the present article, we discuss progress Desvenlafaxine succinate hydrate to day in the nascent field of translational systems biology, and focus in particular on applications of this platform for personalized medicine. This work was spurred by our considerable success in modeling swelling in the molecular, cellular, cells/organ and whole-animal levels [4,6,10,28,29,47,77]. Multiple modeling methods, namely data-driven, equation-based, and agent-based modeling [48,78,79] (all methods covered in detail in other evaluations) have been utilized in our translational systems biology work [4,6,10,28,29,47,77]. Later on, we describe how data-driven modeling can integrate with the type of aforesaid mechanistic modeling, in order to help gain translational insights for individuals. Integrating data-driven & mechanistic modeling to understand swelling in individuals Animal models may simulate the human being inflammatory response to numerous degrees [80,81]. However, like many biological processes in humans, swelling and its manifestations in disease are significantly more multidimensional and complex than that observed in animal studies, and the translational systems biology platform is strongly focused on understanding Rabbit polyclonal to Caspase 9.This gene encodes a protein which is a member of the cysteine-aspartic acid protease (caspase) family. the human being condition through modeling-simulation studies on human being and preclinical data [4]. Prior studies.